Receptor Response and Soma Leakiness in a Simulated Spiking Neural Controller for a Robot

TitleReceptor Response and Soma Leakiness in a Simulated Spiking Neural Controller for a Robot
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBowes, D, Adams, RG, Cañamero, L, Steuber, V, Davey, N
EditorMadani, K
Name of ProceedingsProc. 4th International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing (ANNIIP 2008)
Date Published05/2008
PublisherINSTICC (Inst. Syst. Technologies Information Control and Communication)
Conference LocationFunchal, Madeira, Portugal
ISBN Number978-989-8111-33-3

This paper investigates different models of leakiness for the soma of a simulated spiking neural controller for a robot exhibiting negative photo-taxis. It also investigates two models of receptor response to stimulus levels. The results show that exponential decay of ions across the soma and of a receptor response function where intensity is proportional to intensity is the best combination for dark seeking behaviour.