Optimal Receptor Response Functions for the Detection of Pheromones by Agents Driven by Spiking Neural Networks

TitleOptimal Receptor Response Functions for the Detection of Pheromones by Agents Driven by Spiking Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsOros, N, Steuber, V, Davey, N, Cañamero, L, Adams, RG
EditorTrappl, R
Name of ProceedingsProc. 9th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. II
Date Published03/2008
PublisherAustrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
Conference LocationVienna, Austria
ISBN Number978-3-85206-175-7

The goal of the work presented here is to find a model of a spiking sensory neuron that could cope with small variations in the concentration of simulated chemicals and also the whole range of concentrations. By using a biologically plausible sigmoid function in our model to map chemical concentration to current, we could produce agents able to detect the whole range of concentration of chemicals (pheromones) present in the environment as well as small variations of them. The sensory neurons used in our model are able to encode the stimulus intensity into appropriate firing rates.
