A Flexible Component-Based Robot Control Architecture for Hormonal Modulation of Behaviour and Affect

TitleA Flexible Component-Based Robot Control Architecture for Hormonal Modulation of Behaviour and Affect
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsHickton, L, Lewis, M, Cañamero, L
EditorGao, Y, Fallah, S, Jin, Y, Lekakou, C
Name of ProceedingsProc. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 18th Annual Conference, TAROS 2017
Series TitleLNCS
Series Volume10454
Date Published07/2017
PublisherSpringer International
Conference LocationGuildford, UK
ISBN Number978-3-319-64106-5

In this paper we present the foundations of an architecture that will support the wider context of our work, which is to explore the link between affect, perception and behaviour from an embodied perspective and assess their relevance to Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Our approach builds upon existing affect-based architectures by combining artificial hormones with discrete abstract components that are designed with the explicit consideration of influencing, and being receptive to, the wider affective state of the robot.


