Developing Sensorimotor Associations Through Attachment Bonds

TitleDeveloping Sensorimotor Associations Through Attachment Bonds
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsHiolle, A, Cañamero, L
EditorBerthouze, L, Prince, CG, Littman, M, Kozima, H, Balkenius, C
Name of ProceedingsProc. 7th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob 2007)
Series TitleLund University Cognitive Studies
Series Volume134
PublisherLund University
Conference LocationPiscataway, NJ, USA
ISBN Number91-974741-8-5
ISSN Number1101-8453

Attachment bonds and positive affect help cognitive development and social interactions in infants and animals. In this paper we present a neural architecture to enable a robot to develop an attachment bond with a person or an object, and to discover the correct sensorimotor associations to maintain a desired affective state of well-being using a minimum amount of prior knowledge about the possible interactions with this object. We also discuss how our research on attachment bonds could further developmental robotics in the near future.