Are Discrete Emotions Useful in Human-Robot Interaction? Feedback from Motion Capture Analysis

TitleAre Discrete Emotions Useful in Human-Robot Interaction? Feedback from Motion Capture Analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLewis, M, Cañamero, L
Name of ProceedingsProc. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013)
Date Published09/2013
Conference LocationGeneva, Switzerland

We have conducted a study analyzing motion capture data of bodily expressions of human emotions towards the goal of building a social expressive robot that interacts with and supports hospitalized children. Although modeling emotional expression (and recognition) in (by) robots in terms of discrete categories presents advantages such as ease and clarity of interpretation, our results show that this approach also poses a number of problems. The main issues relate to the loss of subtle expressions and feelings, individual features, context, and social interaction elements that are present in real life.


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