Some of my publications

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L. D. Cañamero, Playing the emotion game with Feelix: What can a LEGO robot tell us about emotion?, in Socially Intelligent Agents: Creating Relationships with Computers and Robots, K. Dautenhahn, Bond, A. H., Cañamero, L., and Edmonds, B., Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 69–76.
L. D. Cañamero, Playing the emotion game with Feelix: What can a LEGO robot tell us about emotion?, in Socially Intelligent Agents: Creating Relationships with Computers and Robots, K. Dautenhahn, Bond, A. H., Cañamero, L., and Edmonds, B., Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 69–76.
R. Aylett and Cañamero, L., Eds., Proceedings of the AISB'02 Symposium Animating Expressive Characters for Social Interactions. AISB, Imperial College, London, UK, 2002.
M. Lewis, Hiolle, A., and Cañamero, L., Pleasure, Persistence and Opportunism in Action Selection, in Proc. 14th Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALIFE 2014), New York, NY, 2014, pp. 932–933.