Some of my publications
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“A functionalist approach to language learning in robots: the development of meaning potentials in social and emotional contexts”, in HBCR 2021: IROS 2021 workshop on Human-Like Behavior and Cognition in Robots, 2021.
, “A Flexible Component-Based Robot Control Architecture for Hormonal Modulation of Behaviour and Affect”, in Proc. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 18th Annual Conference, TAROS 2017, Guildford, UK, 2017, vol. 10454, pp. 464–474.
, “From Sensorimotor Experiences to Cognitive Development: Investigating the Influence of Experiential Diversity on the Development of an Epigenetic Robot”, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 3, 2016.
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“From Continuous Affective Space to Continuous Expression Space: Non-Verbal Behaviour Recognition and Generation”, in Proc. 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob 2014), Genoa, Italy, 2014, pp. 75–80.
, “The Frontier of Synthetic Knowledge: Toward a Constructivist Science”, World Futures, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 171–177, 2012.
, “From Imprinting to Adaptation: Building a History of Affective Interaction”, in Fifth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems (EpiRob2005), 2005, pp. 23–30.
, “First Experiments Relating Behavior Selection Architectures to Environmental Complexity”, in Proc. 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2002), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002, pp. 3024–3029.
, “First Proposal for an Agent Architecture for Team and Multiple Task Coordination: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer”, in Proc. 2nd Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCIA'99), Girona, Spain, 1999.